I was having a chat with a dear friend some days ago, and she asked me how I felt about the economy. I jokingly said in Yoruba, “Won ti ge Jumoke loju lo” loosely translated to mean my eyes have been cut off and I can’t see what people are seeing. We laughed hard over it, and she told me about how her word for the year from God is “Beholding”. I love it a lot.
Beholding until you become.
Look how intentional God is! My friend had been warned and told what to do before the year even came: “Just keep looking at me.”
I said to her that when the Bible says, “Not to look at the things that are seen because they are temporal,” and Isaiah says, “He has set his face like a flint and knows he will not be shamed.” and Jesus says, “Ask, and just believe that you have what you ask for, so you can receive it.”
They weren’t kidding.
But looking intently and only at what you want to see spiritually while bills are staring at you and there is a lot of noise all over the media is a very tough fight to enter into rest.
The noise is so loud and intense, and the intensity of the anxiety, fear, and worry is so high, that you can almost physically lay hands on it even though it is intangible.
Everyone is finding a relatable story, especially about how things are getting harder by the day. Everyone is talking, and the noise on social media is so deafening. That’s why many are going deaf to the still, small voice within. Each one is encouraging another to either keep feeling sad, dejected, angry, depressed, or switch directions in their mental space. It’s a particularly horrible and disenfranchising thing to do since that’s their singular and most powerful place of power.
Let me remind you that you are a creator. I do not mean that to inspire you. I am telling you your reality. And it’s as true as saying you are a human being. You create constantly, but what you create could either be chaotic or amazing.
If you are a believer, come a little closer, because there is a cheat sheet for our lives. One particular part of the sheet is so exciting for me; it gives me a lot of hope and courage. It says, “For the things which we see are temporary.“. It is one of the most exciting parts of the scriptures for me. It strengthens my resolve to create, knowing whatever I see right now can be replaced with what I want to see, but only if I can create it in my mental space.
Omo! It’s too exciting to be a fluke, and it has worked for me over and over.
Trust me, I know it’s easier said than done.
Maybe like me, your pastor had said: It’s the year of ‘Blossoming’ in what will look like a wilderness (which already is ), and another one has said, “Redeemed to flourish in hard times,” and many, many more that already tell you where to put your focus.
Have I always been consistent with creating what I want to see? No, but I really know, and the knowledge helps redirect me when I suddenly come to an awareness of my distraction and how I am listening to the market noise.
Each time I keep my eyes on what is visible or the noise of the economic downturn, it becomes more chaotic. The good part is that I know what the problem is, even if it feels hard to do. The moment I shift my gaze and create instead of seeing what I can see, it changes the game for me. It works every single time.
If it doesn’t work, it’s not the principle, it’s that you haven’t got it yet, and how to do it is to just continue until you get it.
I leave you with one of my best phrases, “I am one with God, and I have access to the best of everything.”
You are one with God, and you are entitled to the best of everything.
Okay, let me add one more: “The best of God cannot be in the past; therefore, every new day comes with my best experiences.”.
Tell me, how have you been dealing with this season? I love to read from you.
Cheers to your higher self!